This is your success page

Once your customer has successfully paid for their order they will be redirected back to this page.

Here you would put your thank you or further instruction messages.

If you want to gather data from the customer once they've paid, you could put a form here.

This page appears in the menu above, it is there only for reference. Normally you would have it set to hidden, which is very easy to do with settings.

About Takeaway

Takeaway is a self-contained project powered by Paysnap3 from Yabdab Inc. that will enable anyone to quickly and simply "drag-and-drop" an entire online ordering system into any Rapidweaver Stacks4 page, with no additional pages or components required.

While the demo project is built using the free Source framework, you can quickly and easily change all Source stacks for your favourite alternatives, so making Takeaway compatible with any theme or framework.

Minimum Requirements

Additional Pages

Takeaway needs only one key page for all the working components. The only optional additional pages needed are the success and cancel page.

  • Success The page your customers are redirected back to after completing checkout.
  • Cancel The page your customers are redirected back to after cancelling checkout.

Example pages can be seen by clicking the links below.